Atmosphère 0.18.1 (+ sigpatches)

SciresM corrige quelques petits bugs de son Custom Firmware Atmosphère. Pour l’utilisateur final, ces changements seront pour la plupart totalement invisibles, on peut considérer qu’il s’agit d’une maintenance corrective. ams.mitm a néanmoins été mis à jour pour supprimer un potentiel souci avec les DLC et thèmes personnalisés, du fait d’un bug avec romFS.

À noter : Fusée-primary n’a toujours pas subi de changement, il reste donc à la version 0.17.0


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0.18.1 is Atmosphère’s forty-fifth official release.

fusee-primary was last updated in: 0.17.0.

With thanks to the @switchbrew team, Atmosphère 0.18.1 is bundled with hbl 2.4.0, and hbmenu 3.4.0.

The following was changed since the last release:

  • A number of minor issues were fixed, including:
    • The new dns.mitm module added in 0.18.0 no longer fatal errors when receiving port=nullptr.
      • This fixes youtube ad-blocking, and possibly other usecases.
    • A bug was fixed that caused ams.mitm to incorrectly cache data storages.
      • This potentially broke DLC when using romfs mods, and could have caused other issues (e.g. with custom themes, and maybe other cases).
    • A bug was fixed in power state control module registration.
      • This might fix a weird edge case with system module dependencies on sleep/wake, but probably nobody should notice any differences.
    • A bug was fixed where mesosphere sometimes treated virtual core IDs as though they were physical core IDs.
      • This had zero impact, because for Switch virtual core == physical core, but it could have affected future platforms if it had remained unresolved.
  • Several issues were fixed, and usability and stability were improved.

For information on the featureset supported by 0.18, please see the official release notes.


iTotalJustice en a profité pour mettre à jour, dans la foulée, les sigpatches qui vont bien. Le « kit » est donc complet !




