Atmosphere 1.5.0 (pre-release)

Une fois de plus, il n’aura pas fallu bien longtemps à SciresM pour nous pondre une version de son Custom Firmware Atmosphère, supportant le dernier firmware de Nintendo. Il s’agit ici d’une pre-release, qui peut donc contenir encore quelques bugs. Il invite évidemment tous les utilisateurs à le contacter si des problèmes spécifiques ont emergé. Attention, Nintendo ayant changé pas mal de fonctionnalités potentiellement utilisées par les développeurs amateurs, il se peut donc que certains homebrews ne soient plus compatibles, tant qu’ils n’auront pas été recompilés avec les dernières librairies.

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1.5.0 is Atmosphère’s sixty-ninth official release.

Please be sure to update fusee when upgrading to 1.5.0. fusee-primary no longer exists, and will not work any more.

Please note: Atmosphère 1.5.0 is currently in pre-release, and issues may be found that need to be fixed before full release.

  • If any bugs are reported while Atmosphère is in pre-release, they will be fixed and the build will be updated.
  • 1.5.0 will transition to release after a short amount of time has passed without pressing bug reports.

With thanks to the @switchbrew team, Atmosphère 1.5.0 is bundled with hbl 2.4.3, and hbmenu 3.5.1.

The following was changed since the last release:

  • Support was added for 16.0.0
    • mesosphère was updated to reflect the latest official kernel behavior.
    • ncm was updated to reflect the latest official behavior.
    • Many FS apis were updated under the hood to reflect the latest official behavior.
    • Please Note: 16.0.0 made breaking changes to a number of system APIs, including in FS/NCM/Shared Font commands that some homebrew programs may use.
      • These programs may encounter strange errors, and may need to be recompiled with a libnx updated to support 16.0.0’s changes to function properly.
      • If you are an impacted developer, please contact SciresM#0524 on discord for assistance.
  • A number of minor issues were fixed and improvements were made, including:
    • An issue was fixed that could cause GPIO outputs to be misconfigured under certain circumstances.
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience.

For information on the featureset supported by 1.5, please see the official release notes.

Comme d’habitude, pour ceux utilisant fusee pour démarrer Atmosphère, n’oubliez pas de le mettre à jour. Un  très bon 15 juin à tous  😉




