Atmosphère 1.7.0

À peine rentré du Japon, SciresM s’est déjà attelé à mettre à jour Atmosphère, conséquence du nouveau firmware fraîchement débarqué. Il s’agit ici d’une pré-release, qui assure le minimum syndical pour démarrer en 18.0.0. Ainsi, tous les modules n’ont pas été systématiquement ajustés en conséquence mais il assure que vous ne verrez aucune différence. La version finale corrigera ses petits oublis volontaires (pour accélérer la sortie).

ATTENTION : fusée ne supporte plus le chargement de patches IPS pour les KIP…autrement dit, il ne supporte plus le chargement des sigpatches qui, dixit le développeur, ne sert qu’au piratage…on pardonnera les jugements à l’emporte-pièce, même s’il met à priori tout le monde dans le même panier. Il faudra donc impérativement passer par la méthode fss0 de Hekate ou par sys-patch (qui est développé sous la forme d’un sysmodule, donc il continue de fonctionner sans souci). Si vous n’êtes plus capables de lancer une chaîne (homebrew, jeu, etc.), ne perdez pas votre temps, c’est fusée le responsable !

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1.7.0 is Atmosphère’s seventy-eighth official release.

Please be sure to update fusee when upgrading to 1.7.0. fusee-primary no longer exists, and will not work any more.

Please note: Atmosphère 1.7.0 is currently in pre-release, and issues may be found that need to be fixed before full release.

  • If any bugs are reported while Atmosphère is in pre-release, they will be fixed and the build will be updated.
  • 1.7.0 will transition to release after a short amount of time has passed without pressing bug reports.

With thanks to the @switchbrew team, Atmosphère 1.7.0 is bundled with hbl 2.4.4, and hbmenu 3.6.0.

The following was changed since the last release:

  • Basic support was added for 18.0.0.
    • The console should boot and atmosphère should be fully functional. However, not all modules have been fully updated to reflect the latest changes.
      • There shouldn’t be anything user visible resulting from this, but it will be addressed in a future atmosphère update, once I am not traveling so much.
    • exosphère was updated to reflect the latest official secure monitor behavior.
    • mesosphère was updated to reflect the latest official kernel behavior.
    • spl was updated to reflect the latest official behavior.
  • fusee no longer supports applying IPS patches to KIPs.
    • The only KIPs that are ever present are a) atmosphère modules, b) custom system modules, or c) FS.
    • The IPS subsystem was originally designed to make nogc patches work for FS, but these are now internal, and it appears the literal only kip patches that exist are for piracy.
      • I could not find any kip patches posted anywhere made for any other purpose.
    • It fundamentally does not make sense to slow down boot for every normal user for a feature that has no actual use-case, especially when fusee seeks to be a minimal bootloader.
  • Minor improvements were made to atmosphere’s gdbstub, including:
    • Support was added for QStartNoAckMode.
    • An issue was fixed that could cause a fatal error when creating too many breakpoints.
  • A number of minor issues were fixed and improvements were made, including:
    • pt-BR (PortugueseBr) is now accepted as a valid language when overriding game locales.
    • A bug was fixed that could cause atmosphere to incorrectly serialize output object IDs over IPC when using domain objects.
    • A bug was fixed in pm’s resource limit boost logic that could potentially cause legitimate boosts to fail in certain circumstances.
    • loader/ro will now throw a fatal error when using invalid IPS patches that go out of bounds, instead of corrupting memory.
    • Support was fixed for booting using a memory configuration of half of the true available memory (e.g. forcing a 4GB configuration on an 8GB board).
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience.

For information on the featureset supported by 1.7, please see the official release notes.





