Hekate 6.2.1 + Nyx 1.6.3

CTCaer offre une mise à jour de son couteau-suisse (qui n’a rien à voir avec le firmware 18.1.0-rebootless qui a débarqué, qui ne modifie que la liste des mots interdits). Les problèmes de boot sur HorizonOS et L4T ont été corrigés et les performances ont été améliorées.

↓ Nouveautés / Corrections (cliquer pour voir) ↓'

Supports booting ALL current CFWs, Android/Linux booting and payload tools.
No more SD card removals

Supports: Erista (T210) and Mariko (T210B01) units

Latest HOS supported: 18.1.0

This is more of a stable release for v6.2.0. Check its changelog for more.

hekate v6.2.1 changes

  • L4T: Update ARC to v6
    Vast improvements to Signal Quality
    Performance and Bandwidth increased
    Some timings were slightly adjusted so ram_opt might need to be adjusted accordingly
  • Fixed boot issues in HOS and L4T
  • Added back forced charger enable in-case hekate boots in a state with it disabled

Nyx v1.6.3 changes

  • Easter Egg got updated to v2.5.2
    Improved accuracy even more in specific cases
    Improved sd card mounting management (can decrease power used even more)
  • HW info was updated to give full info about SKU codenames and chip id in a more organized format
  • Improved an error message in partition manager when user has corrupted bootloader folder or > 1GB.


