Hekate CTCaer Mod 5.3.0/Nyx 0.9.2

Alors que la scène Switch semble endormie en ce moment, Hekate fait peau neuve avec une nouvelle mise à jour. Celle-ci s’améliore en supportant totalement Exosphère 2, tout en maintenant la compatibilité avec la précédente version. Elle se veut par ailleurs plus stable et rapide, avec notamment la correction de bugs au niveau du chargement des kip (qui pouvait survenir dans certains cas bien particuliers) et l’amélioration du temps de démarrage de 500ms (toujours ça de pris). Le Bootloader Development Kit (BDK pour les intimes) fait également son apparition, avec une réorganisation de la structure interne du code source de Hekate, permettant ainsi des modifications/adaptations simplifiées pour les développeurs en herbe.


↓ Nouveautés / Corrections (cliquer pour voir) ↓

This version supports booting ALL current CFWs, Android/Linux booting and payload tools.
No more SD card removals

Latest HOS supported: 10.0.4

New in this version

  • Full Exosphère 2 support
    Compatibility for older atmosphere releases remains. You can boot both old releases and new 0.13+.
  • Even faster boot times by managing eMMC better. Saves 500ms.
  • Many HOS launch QoL fixes and checks.
  • Enable charger unconditionally for deadlock protection.
  • Fix kip1patches sometimes not applying on very specific edge cases. (Existing since ever).
  • Allow booting if kip1 patches fail. (It will ask you.).
    Do not continue when patches are important (example: emummc, nogc, etc) or you don’t know the implications.
  • Add corrupted bootlogo protection. Avoids softlocking.
  • And many more fixes.


  • Support for exosphere 2 was added
  • The very fast file based emuMMC changes are included also.

Based on https://github.com/m4xw/emuMMC/tree/06ab9b895c4264ecc14d3bf9be1260e2096f6037

Nyx v0.9.2

  • Countless partition manager fixes.
    If you had issues before, especially with error 14 or 4KB cluster size, now everything is fixed.
  • Better JoyCon SPI dumping for Android/Linux
    The tool for dumping joycon mac addresses is now more robust and it will inform you if the pairings are from a PC or HOS.

Additional changes:

  • Archive Bit Fixer now supports all folders with 00 files inside
  • Allow multiple backup based emuMMC (via the migration option)
  • Clock offset edit will now show at boot if not set.
    Making sure that this is set, screenshots will now have proper date and time on the names.
  • Add bigger deadzone for joycon virtual mouse.
  • Reduce idle power draw
  • Add BIS key generation and simple CAL0 info
  • And many more fixes.

Bootloader Development Kit (BDK)

This release also introduces the BDK. The whole structure of hekate changed so it’s easy to do code changes to drivers and utils.
This allows the transformation of hekate to anything and makes porting to other Tegra X1/X1+ easier.
For now it’s used for hekate, Nyx and modules. As this is just the start, it will improve more later down the road.

The v5.2.0 Anniversary release had a huge changelog. If you missed it, check here: https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate/releases/tag/v5.2.0







