Linkalho 1.0.1

rrocha vient de sortir un petit utilitaire Switch fort sympathique, qui offre la possibilité de lier les comptes NNID sans aucune connexion internet. Un équivalent de Kefir Updater, mais qui n’écrase pas les comptes existants et garde au chaud vos sauvegardes. Bref, très pratique pour les Switch hackées et/ou bannies.


Linkalho is an homebrew app that will link NNID accounts offline. It links (or unlinks) existing accounts so you won’t lose your saves.
This app does not create a new account. If you create a new account and want to link it, just re-run the app.


  • Place the .nro file in the /switch/linkalho folder of your SDcard.
  • Go to the homebrew app and run Linkalho

Link all accounts
Will link all accounts on the console. If any of the existing accounts is already linked, it will be re-linked.
This operation creates a backup in /switch/linkalho/backups

Unlink all accounts
Will remove all NNID linking from any accounts on the console regardless of the NNIDs being officially linked or not.
This operation creates a backup in /switch/linkalho/backups

Restore backup
Restores any previous state from a backup file. The file must be places in /switch/linkalho/restore/
This operation creates a backup in /switch/linkalho/backups



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