tuxSH met une fois de plus à jour le Custom Firmware Luma3DS. De gros progrès ont été faits sur certaines fonctionnalités, notamment les captures d’écran (par le biais de Rosalina) qui ne mettront plus que 100ms à être prises au lieu des 10 secondes d’antan…La redirection des contrôles s’améliore aussi, les soucis de lags et plantages ayant été corrigés. Attention cependant, et c’est un détail de taille…Luma3DS nécessite la dernière version de Homebrew Menu (inclus dans l’archive), ce qui implique de devoir recompiler tous les homebrews avec la dernière version de la librairie libctru ! La console étant en fin de vie, la scène homebrews n’est plus très active, il n’est pas certain que ce soit une excellente nouvelle si les 3/4 des homebrews ne sont plus fonctionnels faute de recompilation !
Et tuxSH ayant la fâcheuse tendance à prendre les utilisateurs pour des beta-testeurs, faites bien attention si vous souhaitez passer à cette version, tout peut ne pas se passer comme vous le voudriez…
Nouveautés / Corrections :
- Massively improved the screenshot feature:
- Now takes around 100ms instead of 10s (speed may vary, and the first screenshot in a series is slower)
- 800px top-screen mode is now supported
- Rosalina menu options have been reordered to take this into account
- Added brightness (luminance) selection submenu
- Screen filters submenu improvements:
- Changed the filter values, and there are now more of them
- The selected filter is now properly restored when the lid is reopened
- Removed the lag and crash associated to InputRedirection (thanks @Nanquitas)
- On N3DS, this may cause a key press to be repeated in Home Menu for no reason. Just pressing ZL/ZR on the console is enough to fix this
- Improved Rosalina menu handling:
- C-Pad (left pad) can now be used to navigate the menu
- You can now easily scroll through the menus by maintaining directional keys
- InputRedirection can now be used to access and navigate the menu
- New key options for the menu combo: C-Pad Left/Right/Up/Down & « Touch Screen Pressed » (sorry, no ZL/ZR)
- Removed the need for the console to reboot again when switching to homebrew from a higher-memory game (e.g. Pokémon Sun on O3DS -> configured homebrew title)
- Homebrew can now write to the shared config page
- Fixed the fact that the console would hang if sleep mode was entered when the Rosalina menu was open
- Enabling either the debugger or InputRedirection will now prevent the console from going to sleep until both are disabled (to prevent the console from hanging)
- Rosalina is now supported on N3DS SAFE_FIRM, including the homebrew launching functionality that comes with it:
- This is controlled by a new option in the main Luma menu. That option also enables running 11.3-and-below system versions on N2DS and also allows the system to run even with defecting head-tracking hardware
- The newest release of the Homebrew Menu needs to be used (it comes bundled with Luma3DS in this release archive). You also need to rebuild all your homebrew with the latest libctru release. Some homebrew may not work, nevertheless
- Some Rosalina features may not work properly there (e.g. the brightness and New 3DS submenus)
- Separated the exception dump parser script to a new repository: https://github.com/LumaTeam/luma3ds_exception_dump_parser
In addition, with thanks to @fincs, this release of Luma3DS comes bundled with version 2.2.0 of the Homebrew Menu.