MissionControl 0.6.3

ndeadly met à la page son sysmodule permettant l’utilisation de manettes tierces sur Switch, afin de le rendre compatible avec le dernier firmware en date. Il en a profité pour ajouter le support de la manette Hyperkin Scout SNES au passage. Utilisateurs de manettes Xbox One, attention ! Petit rappel du développeur : le dernier firmware Insiders convertit cette manette pour utiliser le bluetooth LE, qui n’est pas encore compatible. Il est donc déconseillé de mettre à jour vos manettes si vous comptez en profiter sur Switch.

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This is the twelfth official release of Mission Control

Just a quick release to support Atmosphère 1.2.5 and the new 13.2.0 firmware. Support for the Hyperkin Scout SNES controller was also added.

New users landing on this release page should first check out the readme on the main project page for the official project documentation. There you can find installation and usage instructions along with an FAQ section that will answer most of your questions.

Atmosphère >= 1.2.5 is required to run this release.

Important notice for users of Xbox One controllers

It has been confirmed that the new Xbox Insiders controller firmware update will convert your controller to use Bluetooth LE, which is not currently supported. Please do not update if you wish to continue using your controller with Mission Control


  • Updated to latest libstratosphere for 13.2.0 support
  • Added support for Hyperkin Scout controller


Liste des manettes supportées :

  • Nintendo Wii Remote + extensions (Nunchuck, Classic Controller, Classic Controller Pro, SNES Mini)
  • Nintendo WiiU Pro Controller
  • Sony DualShock4 Controller
  • Microsoft Xbox One S/X Controller (modèle bluetooth uniquement)
  • Ouya Controller
  • Gamestick Controller
  • Gembox Controller
  • Ipega Controllers (9062S, 9023, 9096 confirmed working. Others may also work)
  • Xiaomi Mi Controller
  • Steelseries Free Controller
  • GameSir G3s Controller
  • Hori Onyx Controller
  • NVidia shield controller
  • TaTaCon (Taiko drum) Wii extension controller
  • 8bitdo zero
  • GameSir GS4
  • ipega 9076, 9078, 9087
  • PowerA Moga Hero
  • PowerA Moga Pro 2
  • Sony Dualsense Controller*
  • Steelseries Nimbus
  • Razer Serval
  • Mad-Catz C.T.R.L.R
  • PowerA Moga Pro
  • ipega 9017s
  • Mocute 050
  • Hyperkin Scout SNES


Attention ! Cette version du sysmodule ne fonctionne qu’avec Atmosphère 1.2.5+



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