NxFileViewer 2.4.0
MysterTee propose une nouvelle version de son utilitaire Windows permettant d’afficher/extraire le contenu des fichiers NSP/NSZ/XCI/XCZ. Plusieurs options ont été ajustées, notamment pour ce qui concerne la validité des signatures (hashes) des NCA ou bien encore la possibilité d’indiquer un lien pour télécharger title.keys.
↓ Nouveautés / Corrections (cliquer pour voir) ↓
- Properties of ticket files (*.tik) are displayed
- Title ID keys from the ticket files are now loaded and used for opening NCA contents
- Keys files being used are displayed in the settings
- New command added for reload keys on demand
- «title.keys» can also be downloaded from an URL defined in the settings
- Can edit keys from the settings
- New setting added for reloading keys each time a file is opened
- Keys download URL can be immediately tried
- Missing title keys are displayed via an icon in the status bar
- Can open location of opened file via context menu of «Overview» tab
- NCA (or NCZ) Sections are displayed even when content can’t be opened
- FIX: NCA hash is not anymore considered valid when NCA content cannot be opened
- Hash status moved to «Section» items instead of «NCA» items
- Tooltip added for displaying NCA’s hash or NCA’s signature error
- Text of help tooltips can be copied