Retroarch poursuit son ascension d’un pas décidé, avec des mises à jour à un rythme très soutenu. Cette nouvelle version corrige, entre autre, un paquet de bugs DirectX11/DirectX12/HDR. La Switch profite des filtres vidéo, la Wii U corrige les soucis de manettes HID, tandis que la 3DS améliore le support de l’écran du bas.
↓ Nouveautés / Corrections (cliquer pour voir) ↓'
- 3DS: Add bottom screen idle state
- 3DS: Add unique IDs for Gearboy/Gearcoleco/Gearsystem, correct CAP32 code
- 3DS/SAVESTATES: Fix RAM states to file when core deinits
- AUDIO/MIXER: Pad sample buffers to prevent potential heap-buffer-overflows when resampling (fixes crash when using 30 kHz menu audio files)
- CHEEVOS: Don’t write achievement credentials to overrides
- CHEEVOS: Disable slowmotion when enabling hardcore mode
- D3D9: Fixed MVP matrix issue for RGUI texture (main game frame still won’t show up though)
- D3D11/D3D12/HDR: Fixed contrast to be more correct – now scales from 0-10 linearly and behaves more the way you’d expect it to – changed name to ditch legacy settings users may have
- D3D11/HDR: Fixed D3D11’s blend, rasterizer and topology states not being set to the sames when using HDR and leaving the menu – caused issues with PCSX2’s Shadow of the Colossus
- D3D11/D3D12/HDR: Added ability to skip inverse tonemapper to the shader via the constant buffer using ‘inverse_tonemap’ – set to 0.0f to skip
- D3D11/D3D12/HDR: Fixed potential bug when swapping between hdr and sdr and the bit depth not being set correctly
- D3D11/D3D12/HDR: Added numerous helper functions to help create the correct values to colour the UI – normally the white UI elements should be rendered at paper white not max brightness for various reasons
- BUGFIX/ANDROID: Fix crash that could happen on Android with Sameboy core – would crash on rumble function
- GFX/WIDGETS: New regular widget message appearance
- INPUT/MOUSE: Add distinct mouse zero index label for drivers that do not support multimouse
- INPUT/RUMBLE: Add generic rumble gain to input settings
- INPUT/UDEV/X11: Add workaround to fix keyboard input when using X11 + Udev
- LIBNX/SWITCH: Add Video Filters support
- LOCALIZATION: Fetch translations from Crowdin
- PLAYLISTS: Add ‘Refresh Playlist’ option
- STEAM: Initial release on Steam
- UWP/VFS/XBOX: Improvements and bugfixes to UWP VFS driver
- VIDEO/REFRESH RATE: Automatic PAL/NTSC refresh rate switch where available – as long as the platform display server allows changing refresh rates and the display has the desired refresh rate
- VIDEO FILTERS: Add ‘Picoscale_256x-320×240’ video filter
- WIIU/HID: Fix analog inputs on HID devices
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