Le temple de l’émulation revient dans une nouvelle version, que l’on pourrait qualifier de mise à jour de maintenance. Le journal des modifications n’est en effet pas bien épais pour une fois, et corrige principalement les petits bugs découverts dans la précédente révision.
↓ Nouveautés / Corrections (cliquer pour voir) ↓
- 3DS: Disable menu screensaver animations in XMB/GLUI
- COMMAND: Initialize netcmd->cmd_source_len before recvfrom()
- CONTENT LOADING/STATICALLY LINKED: Ensure ‘Always Reload Core on Run Content’ setting is applied when loading content via the file browser
- CONTENT LOADING/EMSCRIPTEN: Fix content loading via file browser on platforms with ‘broken’ core handling (i.e. emscripten)
- CORE INFO: Skip whitespace when writing compressed core info cache files
- CORE INFO/FILE IO: Core Info cache; significant file I/O performance improvements on systems with slow disk file I/O
- CORE INFO/FILE IO: Enable core info cache by default on all ‘console’ platforms
- FREEBSD: FreeBSD build fix
- LAKKA: Support for tweaking CPU governors/scaling policies
- LAKKA: This adds managed policies and settings to store them and reload them at startup
- LIBRETRO API: Add API extension for cores to override frontend fast-forward state
- MENU/RGUI: Fix saving of config files/overrides when ‘Lock Menu Aspect Ratio’ is enabled
- SHADERS: Fix ‘Auto-Shader Delay’ functionality
- UWP/D3D11: Disable mipmap generation
- UWP/XBOX: Add ‘Force 4K resolution’ option (Force the resolution to the fullscreen size on Xbox, if set to 0, a fixed value of 3840 x 2160 will be used)
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