Malgré les fêtes, le développement de Sphaira, alternative (++) à Homebrew Menu, bat son plein. iTotalJustice l’améliore quasiment de jour en jour, avec un changelog plutôt fourni. Parmi les grosses nouveautés : l’ajout de serveurs FTP & MTM et la possibilité de mettre les homebrew en favoris. Le bug qui affectait le core3 a également été corrigé, et les traductions ont été améliorées.
↓ Nouveautés / Corrections (cliquer pour voir) ↓'
- Fix core3 being pinned due to nxlink polling too frequently.
- Add ftp server, uses ftpsrv.
- Add mtp server, uses haze from Atmosphere.
- Update Retroarch core file assoc.
- Optimise file assoc parsing even further.
- Add « stars » feature from hbmenu.
- Add text wrapping for popup box.
- Remove « Set Archive Bit » option.
- Installing a update will now ask if you want to restart sphaira.
- Forwarder install is now disabled by default, it can be re-enabled via the advanced menu.
- Forwarder install warning message can now be disabled via the advanced menu.
- Web browser is now disabled in applet mode.
- Init and close Set service so auto language work now. by @shadow2560 in #31
- Swedish translation by @HenryBaby in #26
- Almost all strings for translation. by @Yorunokyujitsu in #32
- Update french translation by @shadow2560 in #35
- Updated Swedish translation by @HenryBaby in #36
- Update es.json by @cucholix in #38
- Chinese translation update by @do-kiss in #42
- New strings added and Korean and Japanese translations. by @Yorunokyujitsu in #44
- Some fixes and update french language by @shadow2560 in #46
- Update de.json and fr.json by @glitched-nx in #48
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