Julius 1.3.0
Caesar III revient plus en forme que jamais. En effet, bvschaik nous offre aujourd’hui une nouvelle mise à jour dont le changelog en fera pâlir plus d’un. Un certain nombre de bugs ont été corrigés tandis que le moteur se dote d’un nouveau menu de configuration, à partir duquel vous pourrez faire vos réglages comme bon vous semble. Enfin, l’interface et le gameplay ont été affinés, très certainement pour coller au plus près du jeu original.
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New features:
- « Accept none » button on granaries and warehouses. Hit the « x » button to set all resources (also future resources) to « Not accepting »
- New configuration screen to enable/disable options. Access it using the « Options » button on the main menu. An explanation of the new options can be found on the Wiki.
- New setting: monthly autosave – automatically saves the game to autosave.sav every game month. Enable it in the Options menu
- Editor: requests for denarii are now possible. These also work in Caesar 3
- Full city screenshots: press Ctrl+F12 to save the whole city as one (big!) bmp file in your Caesar 3 folder
User interface improvements:
- New config option: playing intro videos on game start
- New config option: show game speed, employment information and ratings in the control panel (sidebar) in the city, when the height of the window allows
- New config option: smooth scrolling in the city view: scroll by pixel instead of by map tile
- New config option: quickly build temples to each of the gods. Select « all » in the build menu, the temples will then be built in the following order: Ceres, Neptune, Mercury, Mars, Venus.
- New config option: visual feedback when deleting buildings. In the previous release this was on by default, it’s now a setting which defaults to off (Caesar 3 behaviour)
- Visual feedback on delete is now also available when using overlays
- Editor: user is now warned about unsaved changes when the map has been edited
- Invalid .sav files will no longer be loaded
- Messages with video show the text in small font if it does not fit the window
- Trade routes show whether it’s a land or sea route on the open trade button
- Julius version number is now shown on the main menu
- Right click can now be used to close messages
- New career dialog now has a back button
- Go to problem button has been added to video messages for invasions and disasters
- Some tweaks to make texts fit in different languages
- Game year (123 BC/AD 123) is now shown using the correct order according to the used language
- Screen will no longer go black when showing a dialog and then resizing the game window
Gameplay enhancements:
- New config option: fix immigration bug on very hard
- New config option: fix 100-year-old ghosts when building eternal cities
- Roads will now lead into granaries to indicate where the granary entrance is
- Buttons to the relevant advisor have been added for some more messages
- Prefects now also give feedback about the city’s conditions in the right-click information
- Trade caravans now say something when right-clicking them. Previously only the first animal talked
- When you are fired, the Emperor will voice his dissatisfaction with you out loud
Performance improvements:
- Videos skip frames when decoding the video takes longer than frame duration on slower devices
- Game startup is now faster because audio files are now only loaded on demand, not at startup
- Fixed: freeze/infinite loop caused by migrating seagulls
- Fixed: gatehouses no longer add roads next to the gatehouse when rotating the map
- Fixed: crash in the editor when using a c3_map_mm.eng which does not contain editor help entries
- Fixed: text scrolling twice as fast in the manual texts when using the mouse wheel
- Fixed: several visual issues when deleting buildings
- Fixed: music no longer resets when canceling the sound options dialog
- Fixed: accented characters in tooltips will no longer be at the wrong height
- Fixed: trade cities not showing with a red flag on some empire maps
- Fixed: houses with partial fountain access not showing blue on the water overlay
- Fixed: rating targets were shown on the ratings advisor for open play scenarios
- Fixed: go to problem button in the sidebar did not work when an invasion has only just started
- Fixed: months remaining banner still showing for time limit / survival time missions after winning the scenario
- Fixed: being able to set a resource to both stockpiling and exporting at the same time
- Fixed: editor: tool selection no longer immediately paints on the map
- Fixed: editor: flags not showing in some cases
- Fixed: editor: request favor not saving
- Fixed: editor: showing the fired/victory screen when editing win criteria
- Fixed: editor: native huts disappeared when building roads